Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Time for Creativity.

Today I am thankful for the talent God gave me to create. All my life I have enjoyed all sorts of crafts, from painting ceramics, to cross stitching, to many other things and now on to scrapbooking. I think I have finally found my creative niche in scrapbooking. When Timothy was a little over a year old, I went to a Creative Memories party. There I created a page of Timothy's first birthday. I was hooked. I got all the necessary tools and things I would need to continue this wonderful hobby. Once I got it all home though, it sat... and sat. After a while I decided it was just not for me. I have to credit my friend Terrie B. for reintroducing me into this wonderful world of scrapbooking. At the time, she was a CM consultant, and she invited me to a crop. I was hesitant at first, but I went. Again, I was hooked, but this time it stuck. I have now been scrapbooking for almost 10 years. My style has changed from simple to elegant and back and forth. It is such a blessing to me to have been able to document our lives through photos and journaling and turning it into a piece of art. I have completed many many pages and completed over 25 scrapbooks. I hope that one day my children will really love the fact that I documented their birthdays, holidays, hair cuts, every day moments, silly moments and everything in between. Now I not only get to enjoy my hobby, but in being a partner in my own scrapbooking store, I feel I am living out a dream! So, thank you God for giving me this talent, and thank you Terrie for developing my love of this hobby! Here is my most recent creation!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Friends, Road Trip, FUN!

Today I am grateful for very good friends! I am so blessed to have such wonderful, nonjudgemental, loving and caring friends in my life! Where would I be without them? I don't even want to venture a guess!
This afternoon I had to take Katie back to school. That always involves a stop at my favorite (shhhh don't tell) store Hobby Lobby! Two great friends volunteered to go with me, you know so I wouldn't be lonely. LOL Me thinks they had an ulterior motive. The closest HL is over an hour from here, and we all love a good shopping trip! So, we loaded up the car, and Barb, Deb, Katie and myself headed for Elon. Lots of laughs and interesting conversation made the ride there very easy. Katie might have even learned a few things they don't teach in college! LOL After dumping her off... I mean unloding and hauling her things upstairs, off we went to HL. We probably spent 1 1/2 hours wandering around looking and shopping! Lots of great clearance items were to be had! A quick run through the drive through at Chick Fil A, and we were back on the road! It sure was great to have my friends go with me and make the ride so fun and easy!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Heighth of Laziness...

So today, I thought I would combine a photo with what I am grateful for. Today I am grateful for lazy Sunday afternoons. It is so nice to have a day of rest after working all week. I think I took for granted for many years how nice a relaxing Sunday afternoon could be. Having worked weekends for too many years, I rarely experienced it. Sundays for me now consists of Church, family, relaxing, some cleaning, and getting ready for the week ahead. Some days like today it just consists of staying in my PJ's, watching TV, and catching up on web surfing! Call it lazy, but I love it! So, to show you what I see when I think of Laziness... here's my Oliver, drinking from his water bowl! Hope you all can enjoy a lazy afternoon yourself!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1.

So, today is the day I start my new blog. We will see how long it lasts! My goal is to post something every day and have an accounting of my life for a year.

2010 was the hardest and most eye-opening year of my life. There were lots of painful events, but lots of great things too! I have learned just how truly blessed I am. I have gone through a lot of ups and downs but I have made it through. I am excited to embark upon a new year and see what it has in store for me. God, my family, and friends have seen me at my worst, and now I am ready for everyone, including myself to see me at my best.

This blog will be documenting not only daily activities and whatever I have on my mind but also a gratitude list. I will list one thing daily that I am grateful for. So, here goes....

January 1, 2011, I am grateful for second chances. If it weren't for everyone believing in me when I was at my worst this past year, I don't know where I would be right now. I promise not to let anyone down like that ever again!

Events of the day: So today was a fun day! First of all it started at Midnight by wishing my boys.. Timothy and Rahim... a Happy New Year! I am so blessed to have such great kids (and an "adopted" one.. :) Finally hit the bed at about 2:45. Later this morning I met up with my good friend Barb for a day of shopping. It has been a long time since I spent so much time in so many stores! What a fun day, and to make it even better, most of my purchases were with gift cards! This evening was a quiet one at home with Kate and Tim. I think this is the first night since Kate got home from school that she was home all evening! LOL Oh to be a college kid again! Now as I lie here in bed typing this up, I have my little buddy Garfield in his usual spot by my side. A great way to end a super day!